I was fortunate to see the Deadly Syndrome do their sound check prior to their set, but it was because the Echoplex was running so late. The Deadly Syndrome had quite an odd stage setup with cardboard cutouts of ghosts placed on the stage. They played a good set that reminded me of Pavement, and the Rentals. They fall into the category indie alternative pop. I think they toured with Oh No! Oh My! which would have been a great bill. Their new album "The Ortolan" comes out September 11, 2007.

I didn't see any glowsticks in the crowd, but the Echoplex was packed for a show by NME dubbed "Nu-Rave" band The Klaxons. After a huge delay in opening the doors and a longer delay after the Deadly Syndrome finished their set, the Klaxons appeared on stage. The Klaxons were supporting their recently released debut album Myths of the Near Future. Pushing ensued as they broke into "The Bouncer" off of their EP Xan Valley. I started to have flashbacks that I was in a Slayer pit. James Righton (Keyboards/Vocals) was sporting his Dr. Dre t-shirt as his kicked out some acid laced synth lines via his Korg X50 with his Korg Kaoss Pad 3 tucked underneath. Jamie Reynolds (Bass/Vocals) was holding his own on his Rickenbacker bass and interacting with the crowd. Unfortunately the mix at the Echoplex has yet to be refined as the drums were loud and the guitars were not loud enough. The crowd did not seem to care as they enthusiastically danced along to such tunes as "Gravity's Rainbow", "Golden Skans", "It's Not Over Yet" and "Magick". The Klaxons did a great job getting the crowd into it and did the obligatory "This was the best show of the whole tour" commentary. The only disappointment was with their beer selection with Corona Extra bottles littered across the stage. I know for a fact they have better beer in England.
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