Club NME at Spaceland was packed once again with a triple bill of The Scanners, Lady Tigra, and Datarock. The Scanners were up first and a formidable crowd had already gathered to check them out. I have seen the Scanners twice before with The Rakes and back in December with Forward Russia. The Scanners have continued to improve their live show and introduced a MicroKorg keyboard into their setup. Some of the highlights off their album Violence is Golden included "Joy" and "Lowlife". Lady Tigra sauntered onto stage by herself armed with backing tracks as see spit out various electro-rap songs. It was like Peaches but without a backing band. It would have been more interesting if she had some live keyboards or a drummer to give the music a better vibe. I didn't know what to expect with Datarock but I knew it was going to be interesting when I spotted a Devo sticker on Fredrik Saroea's guitar. Even though they are being dubbed as "New Rave" by NME, I saw more of a Red Hot Chili Peppers party vibe. One of the funnier moments occurred when one of the members of Datarock grabbed some girls from the audience and showed them what keys to play on his MicroKorg and Casio keyboard. He then jumped into the crowd and pretended to be a fan jumping up and down. Datarock played songs of their album Datarock Datarock with some of the memorable songs being "Fa-Fa-Fa", "Sex Me Up", and "Computer Camp Love". They ended their set with a sing along version of "Time of my Life". One couldn't help but crack a smile after witnessing the masses of Silverlake hipsters sing along word for word. Check them out when they head back to the Troubadour in June with Crystal Castles.
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