I honestly thought I would never see the Silversun Pickups at Fingerprints Records again like I did in December of 2006. It was National Record Store day on April 19th and I was fortunate enough to get a wrist band to catch a special performance from the Silversun Pickups. I also was stoked to pick up the limited edition Stephen Malkmus "Cold Sun" vinyl that had the bonus tracks of "Walk Into The Mirror", "Pennywhistle Thunder", "Carl The Clod".

I was surprised when I saw Joe Lester(Keyboards) set up his keyboards and sampler along with Christopher Guanlao (Drums) as it was a full band performance compared to Brian Aubert (Vocals/Guitars) playing a solo set with an acoustic guitar. "Well Thought Out Twinkles" started their set and Joe's synthesizers were prominent in the mix which was nice to hear as Brian's guitars are usually brought to the forefront. Brian was strumming his Fender acoustic as Nikki Monninger (Bass) had her white Gibson Thunderbird bass quietly humming along. Brian thanked everyone for coming out and told the audience if they bought one hundred dollars of music that they would have one hundred dollars of excellent music since it was purchased at Fingerprints and that they would be supporting the local record store.

"Future Foe Scenarios" had Joe's percolating synthesizers bubbling underneath Brian's percussive strumming. I was not amazed at how good the band sounded because behind all the synthesizers and roaring guitars are well written songs that hold up in the acoustic format. Brian rightfully plugged the Movies before Nikki went into "Creation Lake". They continued to visit their album "Pikul" as they played "Kissing Families". Brian was strumming his guitar so hard during "Lazy Eye" that his guitar pickup came loose and added some interesting feedback to close out the song. Brian fixed his guitar sound while Christopher did an extended drum intro into "Common Reactor". They unsuccessfully tried to thank the audience and walk off stage but the crowd demanded an encore. "Comeback Kid" was a fitting closer to the night and the song seemed to have been sped up as Brian was playing his acoustic guitar like it was an electric. I was extremely thankful for record stores at this point.
Silversun Pickups setlist at Fingerprints Records (4/19/2008)
"Well Thought Out Twinkles"
"Rusted Wheel"
"Future Foe Scenarios"
"Creation Lake"
"Kissing Families"
"Lazy Eye"
"Common Reactor"
"Comeback Kid"