Thanks to my friend Micheal I added Devo at the Grove to get my '80s on. Last time I had seen Devo was Lolla back in '95. Back then I didn't appreciate the sheer genius of Devo as much as I do now. This was reinforced when I had to sit thru some '80s bands before Devo. Bow Wow Wow was first and played a decent set. Annabella looked pretty good but remember she was 15 back in the '80s. Of course they played "I Want Candy" and the crowd appaulded with approval. When in Rome was next and think that they are still in the '80s with two synth players and a laptop/bongo player rounding out the band. I was disappointed when they started their golden ball and chain "The Promise" and tried to get the audience to sing along therefore leaving out singing the major parts of the song. I think you should sing the whole song and leave the audience out next time. Flock of Seagulls was next. The years have not been to nice to Mr. Mike Score. The haircut that defined a decade is now a ponytail and a black baseball cap. "Spaceage Love song" was off by a few notes and I felt bad for the band. Luckily... Devo was next and saved the day. Propelled by the awesomenesss of Josh Freese on drums, Devo rules. All the hits were played and I commend Devo for not closing with "Whip It" but instead inserting it mid set. My favorite by far is "Smart Patrol/Mr. DNA" and "Secret Agent Man". Synths glore reigned supreme and the band played very well together with a lot of energy. They blew away all the other bands on the bill and even a pit formed which I thought was interesting. But then again I have seen a pit at a Morrissey show so you can never tell these days.