I like the Detroit Bar in Costa Mesa quite a bit due its proximity to Amateur Chemist Headquarters. A very close second would be the Prospector. It is nestled on the corner of 7th street and Junipero in Long Beach and occasionally has some outstanding indie rock bills on Tuesday nights. It has a greatly relaxed atmosphere and the DJ spun some Autolux and Stars which was refreshing to hear.

Moderates opened the evening cloaked in darkness with the exception of three different colored lights (Yellow,Blue and Red) that were switched on at different times in the set by the band members. I didn't know how to describe their sound at first, but later on I came up with the comparision that they sound like Jawbreaker if they were British and played a brand of atmospheric post-punk rock. The tricky thing is that they are from Loz Feliz. I appreciated the Gibson Hollowbody guitar delay colorings and the Fender Mustang guitar stabs. I was impressed.

Oslo was up next and played an extended set due to the cancellation of Venus Infers. They have a new album out on Oct 9th entitled "The Rise and Fall of Love and Hate". Mattia Borrani (Guitars/Vocals) was strumming away on his Gibson Firebird as Damon Ramirez (Keyboards) had a nice setup of a Nord Lead 2 on top of his Korg Triton Studio. Mattia layed down some spacey guitar textures as Damon provided the clouds to the landscape of their sound. I hear elements of The Editors, Muse and The Bravery if I were to describe some influences.

Gliss was the main reason I went to due to their gritty atmospheric brand of indie rock with moments of Black Rebel Motorcycle Club laced with the darkness of Interpol. I last caught them in Las Vegas when they were at the Art Bar. Gliss is on the fast track upwards with a recent stint opening for the Smashing Pumpkins in North Carolina and their recent deal with Cordless Records. They will soon embark on an east coast tour with the Raveonettes. All three members adeptly switched instruments making it interesting for the audience and themselves. In the guitar department they have a Gibson Les Paul Deluxe that they run through a Yamaha amplifier with a Turbo Pro Co Rat pedal providing the dirty overdriven tones. They use a Fender Precision Bass with a small Ampeg bass amp. In the drum department, they are endorsed by Thrust Drums. They opened with "Kissing The Blvd" and played a tight forty minute set that had me wanting more. I think they are purposely not playing "Moped" so that I keep going to their shows. I have got two more chances at the Viper Room and the Detroit Bar. I would recommend you go to the unofficial sunset junction afterparty at the Detroit Bar with Midnight Movies and Gliss. I will be there for sure.
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