My streak of seven shows in a row was magnificently capped by Muse. Muse have more cool music gear on stage then any band in recent memory. Matt Bellamy plays custom made Hugh Manson guitars with crazy effects like a MXR Phase 90, a Z. Vex Fuzz Factory and a Korg Kaoss pad built into his guitar. As if that wasn't enough, they flaunted a Buchla synthesizer on stage with a Nord Keyboard as well as a rackmount MiniMoog Voyager. I have read a lot of reviews of how people dislike their new album. I guarantee you will sing along to every song if you witness their live show. Immigrant opened the show at the sold out Forum. I think they must be related to the Live Nation president because they are an unsigned band according to their myspace page. In light of them being unsigned they opened for the Killers back in October at the Wiltern as well. "Knights of Cyndonia" is not my favorite Muse song but in a live setting it still rocks. "Hysteria" had the whole floor bouncing as Chris Wolstenholme's bass lines were rattling my skull. My jaw dropped when Matt ripped into his guitar solo on "Invincible" as he was two handed tapping while using his Digitech Whammy Pedal. "New Born" featured some of the fierciest guitar tones I have witnessed in a live setting. As if I wasn't impressed, Matt demonstrated his Kaoss pad skills near the end of the set with a blazing jam session. The night closed with the apropos "Take a Bow" which featured Dominic Howard hovering over his Buchla synthesizer cranking out the opening synth line. It was too much gear and music to handle in one night, but I would go again in a second.
1 comment:
MUSE is playing in Williamsburg in a few weeks -- I can't wait!
They're opening for My Chemical Romance...how the hell did that happen?
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