Friday, February 25, 2011

Indefinite Hiatus for Amateur Chemist

Dear readers and friends of Amateur Chemist,

Thank you for your continued readership. Unfortunately, I will be taking leave for a while, as I need to address some life altering medical issues.

At this point I don't have an expected return date, but hope to be back in action seeing shows, reviewing bands and taking shots.


Amateur Chemist


aquadrunkard said...

Hope all is well.

The Killer (That's Ms. Killer to you) said...

I love you and I'm thinking of you. TONS of positive energy from me to you.


Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog for a couple of years and have greatly enjoyed your photography and reviews. You even inspired me to start doing my own concert photography. I wish you well and hope you are back on the field soon.


Anonymous said...

Hang in the homie

Anonymous said...

Hang in there homie.

Anonymous said...

best wishes adn look forward to your return

Anonymous said...

Get well soon AC

Pacôme Ledrich said...

Hope u'll be fine and return to us soon ! Wish u the best recovery

Do you leave an email adress behind you ?

cm said...

oh dang. hang in there. and all the best.

Anonymous said...

Positive thoughts and prayers going your way.

Paul said...

All the best to you! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Pharm said...

I was just getting on here to see if I would see you at Coachella. I'm sorry to hear you are fighting health problems. I hope you recover quickly and my thought are with you.


Anonymous said...

Much love... hang in there - you will be back doing your thing in no time!! be strong, bro.