One of my all time favorite bands has to be Quicksand. Their albums Slip and Manic Compression came out at a impressionable time in my life and has remained in constant rotation for nearly twenty years now. As I've gone through some medical problems for the last two years, I still find myself dialing up Quicksand to help me get through the difficult times.

I was truly amazed to see them reunite at the Glass House in June 2012 and beyond excited to see them get a top billing at FYF Festival. The only bright spot of 2013 has been that I catching them at the Fonda Theatre for Stereogum and at the Glass House for OC Weekly. Although I wasn't feeling particularly well, I made the trek to San Diego to catch their final date in California. It was a show that I will never forget.

With only two albums, I didn't expect Quicksand to switch up their setlist too drastically. Armed with his Fender Jaguar bass, Sergio Vega tore into the familiar bass groove of "Omission". Walter Schreifels emerged from the shadows with a white Fender Telecaster to slam out the power chords while Thomas Capone had his familiar Les Paul gold top for their crushing guitar assault. It was impressive to hear the audience chant the lyrics to "Unfulfilled" and "Head To Wall" as my three songs in the photo pit seemly went by in seconds.

Sporting a different shirt from the Smiths compared to the Fonda show, Vega bounced around the stage as he anchored the concrete heaviness of "Fazer". I still vividly remember seeing that video on MTV Headbanger's ball and running down to the Wherehouse and purchasing the album the next day. Kids these days will never understand that feeling. Alan Cage was pounded on his kit for the steamrolling "Too Official" which is drenched with slashing drop-d power chords.

The great thing about this reunion is that all the original members are involved and that there is still a great deal of inherent musical chemistry between all the members. I spotted numerous smiles on stage as they spotted the huge mosh pit viciously swirling in the center of the floor. Vega's bass barrage continued on "Freezing Process" as it dictates the direction of the song. Schreifels sounded phenomenal throughout the evening as he blasted into the furious barking vocals of "Lie And Wait".

Time flew by as they whipped through "Divorce" and "Slip" before crushing one of my favorite tracks from Manic Compression "Thorn In My Side" with its rapidly descending bass groove. Capone summoned up some bursts of guitar feedback for "Dine Alone" and I found myself forgetting about how sick I had felt earlier in the day and was glad I toughed it out to see them once again. "How Soon Is Now?" was flawless and still remains one of my favorite covers of The Smiths.

I was amazed to hear "Skinny (It's Overflowing)" as Quicksand resurrected the song at the Glass House to my delight. Schreifels had thanked the crowd stating how much fun he has had during this reunion and apologized for not coming back sooner. "Can Opener" closed out their set and ended my unforgettable run of Quicksand shows. Quicksand was recently nominated for a Revolver Golden God Award for comeback of the year and I implore you to cast as many votes for Quicksand as possible here. Thank you Quicksand and I hope to see you again soon.
"Head To Wall"
"Too Official"
"Freezing Process"
"Brown Gargantuan"
"Lie And Wait"
"Thorn In My Side"
"Dine Alone"
"How Soon Is Now?"
"Landmine Spring"
"Skinny (It's Overflowing)"
"Can Opener"