Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The Pity Party at Little Radio

New Years Eve is always filled with concert going options. I pondered Eagles of Death Metal at the Roxy but I wanted to avoid the Sunset Strip and the traffic. I didn't hear any rumblings of a Little Radio New Years Eve party and was starting to get concerned because I had such a great time in 2007. Little Radio came through with a line up of The Pity Party, Fat Lip, and Restaurant to ring in the new year.

2008 is already shaping up to be the year of The Pity Party. They earned a coveted Spaceland residency in February and have a full length album in the works. 2007 was a busy year for the Pity Party as I caught them at The Silverlake Lounge, Troubadour, Epicentre, Detroit Bar and the Viper Room. Heisenflei (Drums/Keyboards/Vocals) continues to entrance the audience with her multi tasking duties of instrumentation. M (Guitars/Vocals) has expanded sonic arsenal at his feet ready to destroy the audience without warning. The Pity Party debuted a new song "The Natural Want" which surprisingly had a hip hop flavor to it that even surprised me. Is their any genre they can't do? "Houses on The Sun" is another live favorite song of mine with its dark drunk synth bass line and slurring beats. I really hope this song makes it on their debut LP. "The War Between Eight and Four" has M digging deep for squeals from his Fender Stratocaster. "Love Lies" does well to showcase Heisenflei's vocals and is another track I hope to see in its recorded form. The Pity Party saved its ace in the hole for a new song "Yours, That Works" that pasted off kilter drumming from Heisenflei to M's dissonant guitars. It was a great way to start 2008.

M from The Pity Party Pedalboards

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