Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Teenagers at Spaceland

The Teenagers recently landed a slot on Coachella, so I figured I better see them at Spaceland before they become too big to see at a small venue. The Teenagers are doing a mini tour in support of their recently released album "Reality Check". It turns out I got a Coachella sneak preview.

Run Run Run with David J from Love and Rockets

Run Run Run had their trademark lights and smoke machines set up before they dived into their anthemic rock. I last caught up with Run Run Run in September and mentioned they had a British rock influence similar to Echo and The Bunnymen. I would like to add Love and Rockets as an influence as they brought out David J from Love and Rockets to perform a white hot version of "No New Tale To Tell". David J has been a busy guy with the reformation of Love and Rockets playing Coachella as well as his stage production Silver For Gold based on Edie Sedgwick at the Met Theatre starting in March. Run Run Run played a solid set with tracks from their album "Endless Winter" and from their new EP "Good Company". Xander Smith (Guitars/Vocals) had a slick black Gibson Les Paul custom loaded with P-90s soapbox pickups as the lights flickered with each of his guitar riffs. They have really honed their live show and played a tight set.

The Teenagers

The Teenagers played beyond their age as they led blasted through an electro post punk set. "Starlett Johansson" started their set with its rapid distorted guitars and tongue in cheek lyrics provided by Quentin Delafon (Vocals). Quentin was pacing the stage and posing for some of the cameras in the front row. Dorian Dumont(Guitars) was sporting a Korn t-shirt while cranking away on his black Fender Jaguar while his Fender Deville amp was blasting out power chords. I love the synths on the record and was slightly disappointed they didn't have a synth player but the duel guitar attack made up for it. Michael Szpiner (Bass) had his Leonard Dicaprio shirt on as he pounded away on his Fender Bass during "III". Quentin's french accent is very noticeable on the album but while he was singing at Spaceland it disappeared. "Make It Happen" was another propulsive jam with a few mini guitar leads sprinkled amongst some floating synths. "Homecoming" was the crowd favorite of the night as Quentin pulled a young female audience member on stage to complete the duet. The female audience member seemed to have enjoyed herself as she cried out "I Love My English Romance!". The Teenagers reminded me of a young Killers in that they have a lot of good songs but need a few more shows under their belts to really sharpen their live act. I would still circle my Coachella schedule for a time slot with the Teenagers.

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