How does one top an amazing performance at the Hollywood Bowl? If you are Morrissey, you go to Las Vegas. While waiting in line to go into the show, the Palms security stated that digital cameras were now allowed into the show. I ran back to my car and grabbed my camera. I didn't think I would be able to get good shots in, but the lighting at the Palms is spectacular.
Kristeen Young opened with her usual forty minute set. She thanked the members of the crowd that was not chanting for Morrissey. Her latest album is entitled "The Orphans" and was produced by Tony Visconti.
As much as I like "The Queen Is Dead" as a show opener, it was a pleasant surprise to hear "First Of The Gang To Die". I always enjoy the sampled line of "Los Angeles.. You are too Hot!". "The Last Of The Famous International Playboys" featured another slinky Moog Voyager solo courtesy of Mikey Farrell. The real treat of the night was when they played "Whatever Happens, I Love You" that had Boz Boorer rocking the clarinet. After hearing six Smiths songs the night before, I was surprised again when Morrissey played "Panic". I was fairly close to the rail and was glad that Morrissey threw his shirt in the other direction during "Let Me Kiss You". I like Morrissey just as much as the next Morrissey fan, but I value my personal health enough not to try and get a piece of Morrissey's shirt. My friends were not as lucky when one of them fell to the floor as a victim of mob that leaped for Matt Walker's Drumstick. It was ironic that Morrissey closed the set with "The Queen Is Dead" since most of the shows were opened with it. The wash of feedback at the end of the song will reasonate in my ears for quite sometime.
Morrissey at the Pearl in Las Vegas (6/9/07)
(Max Capacity 2,352)
"First Of The Gang To Die"
"The Last Of The Famous International Playboys"
""Whatever Happens, I Love You"
"You Have Killed Me"
"In The Future When All's Well"
"Let Me Kiss You"
"That's How People Grow Up"
"The National Front Disco"
"Everyday Is Like Sunday"
"Irish Blood, English Heart"
"The Boy With The Thorn In His Side"
"You're Gonna Need Someone On Your Side"
"I Just Want To See The Boy Happy"
"All You Need Is Me"
"Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want"
"I've Changed My Plea To Guilty"
"How Soon Is Now?"
"The Queen Is Dead"
I thought the sampled line at the beginning of First of the Gang is "Los Angeles, you are too hot."