After seeing Morrissey at the Pearl, I had caught wind that Gliss was playing at the Art Bar in Las Vegas later in the evening. Gliss blew me away last time I saw them in December at the Knitting Factory. They also just finished up a Spaceland residency in May. "Love The Virgins" was one of my favorite albums last year with one of my favorite tracks being "Moped" which features some blazing guitar work and haunting vocals.
My friends and I double timed into downtown Las Vegas to pull up to the Art Bar. There was no cover and we walked in to find out that both bands hadn't started yet. The Other Side opened the night with their jangly introspective British inspired fuzz pop in the vein of Stone Roses, and Interpol. The set sounded progressively better with each successive song. Their latest release is "Dead Trees". Unfortunately it was pitch black in the club and my pictures didn't turn out well.
Gliss was up next and debuted a lot of new songs that I was not familiar with but rocked just as much as their older songs. Martin Klingman (Guitars/Vocals/Drums) has a very characteristic singing style that is reminiscent of Jesus & The Mary Chain crossed with Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. David Reiss was pulling out razor sharp riffs from his Gibson Les Paul and Orange Combo Amplifier. Victoria Cecilia was holding down the basslines as well as alternating between the drums. They played some older songs such as "Blue Sky", "Huh...What?" and "Off To Bed". Gliss will release their cover of the Smashing Pumpkins song "Rhinocerous" on the Myspace compilation tribute to the Smashing Pumpkins in July attached to Spin Magazine. I look forward to their new album and will try and catch them again on June 23rd when they play the Long Beach Prospector. I hope they go on late because I will have to double time it again after catching the Police show at Dodger Stadium.
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