Thursday, January 05, 2012

Lab Report 2011: The Year in Review


2011 was a very difficult year for me to say the least. When I took my medical hiatus in February of 2011, I honestly didn't know if I would come back. Fortunately, I was able to return and it has helped in the healing process. Some milestones occurred this year in that I celebrated my fifth anniversary of the site and surpassed one thousand posts.

Previous years in review: 2008, 2009, 2010.

Total number of concerts in 2011: 110 (Out of 293 eligible days).

Number of days on medical hiatus: 72 days.

Average of a concert every 2.6 days.

Total number of photos/reviews for Amateur Chemist: 15

Total number of concert reviews to OC Weekly: 40

Total number of photo slideshows to OC Weekly: 31

Total number of contributions to Stereogum: 49

Total number of photos in print at the Guardian: 1

Total number of contributions to Brooklyn Vegan: 1

I would like to thank you for still reading and sticking with me.  Looking forward to making 2012 a better year.

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