It was "Busy Work" night again at the Detroit Bar featuring an appearance by The Pity Party and On Blast.

This marks the fourth time watching The Pity Party in action and I would have to say it was their best performance yet. The sound at the Detroit Bar was dialed in for The Pity Party's erractic on purpose guitar lines and spidery keyboard lines as Heisenflei (Keyboards, Drums,Vocals) flailed away at her drums and singlehandedly dispensing thick bass lines on her Yamaha DX7. M (Guitars/Vocals) was all over his Fender Stratocaster fretboard reaching for sporadic notes while tap dancing on his bevy of pedals. "Dronebots and peons for eons and eons" drew first blood from the audience. "WMD" which I presume means Weapons of Mass Destruction lived up to its billing and destroyed the audience as the Pity Party played it twice as fast as the recorded version. I have number 571 of their cd "The EP". Which number do you have? I will reiterate that The Pity Party will be signed soon.

On Blast hailing from Long Beach closed out the night clouded in smoke and dark lights as they played combination of dark love songs that reminded me of She Wants Revenge but with a stronger rock vibe and a wider vocal range stylings courtesy of Josh Brown (Vocals). They had the requisite MicroKorg sythn on stage and were running an MBox with Pro Tools which you don't see too often on stage. The ladies up front were screaming as Josh worked the audience. I now see why they call it "Busy Work" night at the Detroit bar.
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