Monday, August 27, 2007

Mezzanine Owls at the Prospector

After catching dinner at Taiko with some friends I ventured down to the Prospector in Long Beach to catch Mezzanine Owls as they were setting up their gear. It was Pull Your Pants Up night at the Prospector which usually features three to four upcoming indie rock bands for a low price ($3 on this night) on Tuesday nights.

What haven't I said about the Mezzanine Owls? They write catchy songs that come off as a fuzzier Pavement assuming Pavement played straight ahead songs with a tip of the hat to the shoegazer heroes of the past. "Moving Ground" was the first tune they played as Jonathan Zeitlin (Guitars/Vocals) added some tones from his Korg MS2000. "Lightbulb" was fantastic as my eardrums were rattling when Jack Burns (Guitars/Vocals) was screaming the refrain of "Can't you see It sucks the life right out of me!". The dreamy reverb and combination of metallic slide guitar work of "Wake Up" haunts you as Pauline Mu (Drums) goes into a cymbal smashing frenzy. They also played a few new songs that show even more promise when they release their sophomore album. I just ask that they release an EP soon to hold me over. They will be playing on September 13th at the Troubadour with the Brunettes and Ferraby Lionheart so go check it out before they become too huge.

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