Monday, April 30, 2007

Arctic Monkeys at the Troubadour

My usual strategy during the season of Coachella is to head to Vegas and see some good bands in smaller venues in a controlled climate. For example, Depeche Mode at the Hard Rock last year was spectacular and I even made it to the rail. I was pleased to see the Arctic Monkeys added a last minute show at the Troubadour Sunday night.
My streak of no opening bands was perpetuated yet again as the Arctic Monkeys were the only act scheduled to come on at 11:00. After a short delay, they appeared on stage and jumped right into "If You Found This It’s Probably Too Late" off of Brianstorm single. I have seen the Arctic Monkeys before at the Wiltern and was impressed how accurately Alex Turner (Vocals/Guitars) would deliver the songs while banging the heck out of his Fender Duo-Sonic. I had not gotten a chance to listen to the Favourite Worst Nightmare as much as I wanted to prior to the show but my initial impression is that its a more mature album. My suspicions were confirmed as Jamie Cook (Guitars) had an elaborate pedal board to change up some of the guitar tones. Even though I didn't get a picture of Alex's setup, I spied a Hughes & Kettner Rotosphere pedal along with a Danelectro Reel Echo Tape Simulator Pedal. Matt Helders (Drums) did an impressive job propelling the tunes and giving them an edge. It may seem difficult to believe but I think they played the songs even faster live than on the cd. I was fortunate enough to grab the setlist but would like to add that they threw in "Flourescent Adolescent" before the last song. The crowd was left screaming for an encore to no avail. 

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