Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Forward Russia at Spaceland

Still recovering from the Devo show, I soldiered on and made it out to the Forward Russia set at Spaceland. I had missed them at Cinespace and the Troubadour previously so I was determined to catch them this time. Manic was up first. They played an ambient indie rock type set with one song sounding exactly like a radiohead song structure. The mix was not dialed in yet because it was difficult to hear any vocals due to the amount of reverb and echo in the club. The Scanners were on next. They are from England and have signed locally with Dim Mak Records, so Steve Aoki and crew were there to show some love. They have improved a lot live since I saw them last time opening for the Rakes at the Troubadour. The live show is definetly better then the album so hopefully they will capture there live sound on the next album. Forward Russia was next and they shredded! Tom apologized at first saying his voice was shot, but it sounded great to me. Even though I hate labeling bands they sounded like Bloc Party meets Horse the Band. Whiskas was playing some great leads and I was jealous of his Boss Looping Station. Katie held it down on drums and even managed to shove some lame uninvited stage dancers off the stage with her drumstick. Even better was the iterinary on the back of the set list that said "after show---- Get Naked". I left before the after party cause I needed to save my energy for the Ladytron show.

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